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Merry xmas!

Happy christmas !!
what i am gonna type is really random haha
just reflectingmy primary school life i guess :-) sharing my boring but precious childhood. Basically i am only typing down things i can rmb

So when i was 7, i remembered i was eggcited lil kid who looked forward so much to get into primary school haha because i felt that i grew up :')?? I wanted to be a model student and everything and be a really good kid. That lasted for erm half a year only?i started crying and dreading to go school idk y :(

Nevertheless i was still a really good kid in my teacher's eyes i guess and i became a prefect in primary 2.( couldn't really rmb what happen in that year). Oh except that i quit Chinese dance to join skipping. But it was horrible haha :( i was scolded like some poop so i just threw the skipping rope on the floor and left lol haha. That was the only skipping session i attended. YUP I QUIT IN ONE SESSION .

In P 3, i rmbered my math got 88/100 and i got scolded by the teacheer >;( like what even right that is my own score ugh-'-. And i got scolded for fidgeting in class because i was trying to find the earring that i dropped ;( but the company in class were great i guess :)?? I really really enjoyed playing catching w everyone in the class.:-) Those are probably the best memories in primary school.

In P4, i joined back chinese dance haah (or maybe i joined back earlier) but it was an amazing time because it waz with my frens:') i seriously enjoyed every session because we do things like cartwheels, handstands etc ( to me it is damn cool  lul)  And it was this year i got my first handphone ^^ just a nokia phone but still haha my first phone ^^

In p5, and p6 its preparing for PSLE time. i quit chinese dance and went to join a math club.... guess what we do in math club??:-) play club penguin haha.  Those years were full of supplementary lessons after school! But i rmb those are the days where i can order my favourite Mee goreng ! I swear it tastes super nice. Fast forward to psle that only lasted 4 days... compared to the exams now psle was ok...... hahaha

And prolly the last important memory of my primary school was graduation day ! i cant rmb how, but apparently me and my friends were asked to dance on that day? So we had to choreograph our own dance. But dancing is such a distant memory from me haha and ballet too... It was so exciting to dance with everyone

bet you cant spot me heh! i m the one in black

And i rmbered i played the piano too haha:-) i played mi fav song river flows in you ^^

Then we got our psle results... i was quite scared on that day.. And when i see my results i was abit disappointed just a teeny weeny bit, :(

Getting rejected by my first choice, i got into RV !! Sigh pie @ the moment when i realised nobody else in my primary school from my batch came to the same school?! I WAS ALL ALONE HAHA. BUT OK IT WAAS A NEW START? AND I GUESS MAYBE THAT WAS WHY I CHANGED 180 degrees???

-the end-?????


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