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Showing posts from December, 2016

Updating πŸ˜πŸ™ŒπŸ» After A s life

Deaaaarrrrr diarryyyyyyy It has only been like what 5 days after A s 😁 I feel like this has been the longest period of time for me, /!; within these few days I have grown up terribly much. ( self proclaim)πŸ™ŒπŸ» . After applying to 3626617273646 job, I finally got one that is pretty decent with good location and work benefits πŸ™ŒπŸ»πŸ€—. These few days, I have been trying to catch up with all my friends . Who knows whether it might be the last time meeting someone ? Human relationships are ever so vulnerable . And I am confidently say that I am no longer troubled by what I was maybe 1/2 months ago ? I learn to accept that even the most important person to you might leave you. People are easily replaceable . I will accept that now . "当ζ—₯εΌ€εΏƒ,当ζ—₯ηζƒœ, ι‚£ε°±ε₯½δΊ†”。 we can't control other people 's mind and soul . And somemore ζ­»ζ­»stuck to one person have no benefits at all. I will learn to accept new people 😁